Understanding Substance Abuse During the Holidays: A Comprehensive Look
Dr Marshall Bahr Dr Marshall Bahr

Understanding Substance Abuse During the Holidays: A Comprehensive Look

Explore the complex relationship between the holiday season and substance abuse in our latest blog post. We delve into the increased consumption of alcohol during festive times, the impact of holiday stress on mental health, and the realities of depression rates during this period. Additionally, the article highlights the prevalence of substance abuse in the general population and offers insights into effective treatments like Suboxone, Subutex, and Medication Assisted Treatment. This comprehensive guide is a must-read for understanding the challenges and solutions related to substance abuse during the holidays.

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Leading the Way to Recovery: A Mission to Combat the Opioid Crisis
Dr Marshall Bahr Dr Marshall Bahr

Leading the Way to Recovery: A Mission to Combat the Opioid Crisis

In the heart of Ohio, Lead the Way Recovery emerges as a beacon of hope against the opioid crisis, offering affordable, accessible treatment and recovery options. Veteran-led, we provide personalized counseling, Suboxone and Subutex treatments, embodying a steadfast commitment to guiding individuals through their recovery journey.

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